This box of veggies came from the farm this week. The cool-looking long, curly things are garlic scapes. I'd never seen a garlic scape before, but the things are delicious. We also got three pints of fresh strawberries (little jewels of tasty goodness), asparagus, lettuce, kale and more.
It's almost a shame to eat the things, considering how cool they are and what they can do.
In a recent column in the Washington Post, Sally Squires writes about the nutritional virtues of fruits and veg. Although it's nothing you probably haven't heard before, Squires points out there's still much scientists don't know about what goes on inside fruits and veg - and what goes on inside your body after you eat them. It seems there's a new wave of nutrition science which -- instead of trying to extract the good bits out of plants and putting them into pill form -- is telling people to just eat the whole plant.
mmmm....phytochemicals and beta carotenes never tasted so good....