Saturday, August 09, 2008

Time off...

Last year I took a week off from work around my 40th birthday, just so I could hang out and screw around. Well, this year, I can't wait until September, so I'm taking this week. My goal is to do pretty much whatever I feel like.

Today, Sat. I took the bike out for a long ride down the Midtown Greenway. And fired up the grill and burned some chicken.

Per a previous post, I like my job, but sometimes I just get really tired of having a schedule: getting up by a certain time, putting on appropriate clothing and being in a certain place for a specified amount of time. For the next week, I'm staying up until I get tired, getting up in the morning when I'm ready to get up, wearing what I want to wear and not keeping a schedule.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saweet! Wish I would have known, we could have "gone on vacation" together!