Sunday, June 07, 2009


Sure, I could gas on about scientific theories about how baby humans emit magical pheromones, sounds and visual cues that compel adult humans to feed and care for them. That our survival as a species would not have been possible without some sort of chemical bond between infant and adult, is extremely fascinating.

But when it comes down to it, babies are too just dang cute to ignore.

Of course, once they get older and smellier and start to talk shit about you...that's another thing. But for now, my niece Chela is a perfect being. She eats, sleeps and excretes bodily functions. Her carbon footprint is relatively miniscule. She doesn't owe any money. And she's never done an unkind thing to anybody.


1 comment:

Nate in Texas said...

Enjoy smittendom while it lasts, cuz they don't stay perfect for long...