I just got a new scanner. So I've been scanning some pictures that are tucked away in photo albums on a shelf in our bedroom. My goal is to bring them back into the light of day and make them more accessible.
So far, I've gotten through pics taken about the time me and the Mrs. first met and some of our informal wedding shots.
There are so many pictures from parties. Most of the photos feature our guests mugging for the camera as they grip their drinks. It's funny to see clothes you used to wear; that ugly lamp we used to have in the living room of the old duplex we lived in over north. Some of the pictures feature couples that are no longer together. And some of the wedding photos show loved ones who are no longer with us.
You also notice how seven or eight years have changed the people around you. Back then our faces were a little thinner; us dudes had more hair.
Check out the wedding pic. It makes me think, 'dang, I looked pretty sharp. No wonder she wanted to marry me.' heh.
Somebody probably said this before me, but pictures really are bookmarks. And these are stuck in a book that's still being written.
Yay! Old B & M pics!
I love looking at old pictures. I will waste hours upon hours some weekends looking at the same old pics over and over.
Can't wait to see more!
Older, fatter, less hair...at least we looked good at one point - and there's proof!
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