No windows. No people. Flourescent lights. This is the office. My workplace. If I had a weaker constitution, I would surely flip-out under these conditions. I am, for lack of a better term, a weekday warrior. I get up early, even though my body tells me to sleep. I get up early, even though there is no boss here to keep track of when I come in. When the walls close in on me, I get out and walk around downtown. When my brain begins to wobble after staring at the computer screen for too long, I put my head on my desk and doze to the serenading buzz of flourescent lights. I daydream about having enough money to do other things. I prefer to walk up and down the six flights of stairs rather than stand in an elevator with strangers. I don't care to chit-chat or listen to the big-assed office ladies bitch about Judy in accounting, "who does she think she is? I turned in those forms three weeks ago."
I'm good at working. I actually have two jobs and work nearly everyday of the week. I'm not a whiner. Don't believe in it. It doesn't accomplish anything. And actually, I like what I do. It's better work than digging ditches. But it's still work.
I whine, I don't like what I do...I do also daydream about having the $$$ to do something else. I think movie critic or couch tester would be about right.
Even thought I'm not in my "cube" nearly as much as you're in your office, I put up a picture of a window to make me feel better.
If I ever win the big-assed lottery, I'll see what I can do for you.
Oh, and? Since your Mrs. isn't chained to a restaurant on the weekends anymore, let's all go out and have dinner some Friday or Saturday. I think it's time you Mr's met.
Give it some thought...
I like what I do, it pays well, and when the pea-green haze belched from the refineries to the south and southwest isn't blanketing most of the greater Houston metro area, I have 30 miles visibility from the floor-to-ceiling windows on the 69th floor of a downtown skyscraper. Oh, and the folks who work in my row like to work with the fluorescent lights OFF.
I consider myself blessed....
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