Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We're all a bunch of stupids - part one

No one on TV does a better job than the Daily Show of showing how stupid we can be. Check out how Jon Stewart skewers the television media coverage of the New Yorker cover of the Obamas.

After hearing people say they were 'offended' by the cover, I get reduced to ranting like Lewis Black. @#%! You ##$!! idiots! Satire! @@#$%! Liberal magazine !@#%&** Because some !@#%! actually believe this #$^%#^!!

Ow, my spleen.


Tequila Mockingbird said...

nice. i was trying to find you via "badwhims".

kudos on the clips. as you know, fake news is usually the best.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. I don't mind the humor but the punch line needs to be right there with a subject like this.