(oh fer cyute)
I'm going to rub the crystal ball for a second and take a stab at some prognostications for the big 07:
First a few easy ones
-some celebrities are going to get married and then divorced after a few months (paris hilton, the world is looking at you...)
-a bunch of people are going to die in Iraq
-Minnesota sports teams will fall below their potential and disappoint their fans.
-i'm going to turn 40 freakin' years old
A few more daring predictions:
-Rosie O'Donnell will get a bad case of ass cancer
-SNL's Rob Schneider makes a bigtime comeback by breaking into serious film by playing a gay jewish holocaust survivor.
-President Bush will get caught kicking his dog Barney on the White House lawn and the video footage will break hit-records on YouTube
-Jesus returns to earth and bitch-slaps Pat Robertson shouting, "you're fired, bee-yotch!" Then goes back to heaven but first tells everyone to carry-on as if he'd never been here.
-the U.S. Surgeon General will release a statement finally verifying what everybody really suspected all along, "Everything causes cancer. So eat whatever you want."
-The vatican will reveal that the anti-christ is walking the earth, and yes it is Anderson Cooper.
-A new serial killer will begin stalking, killing and eating celebrities. Nicole Ritchie and Lindsay Lohan will not be afraid. Not enough meat there, you know.
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