(Dude, I got a Marshall stack this year! -- photo courtesy of Collin Lyle)
(In no particular chronological order or rank of importance)
Sold the house in North Minneapolis and moved to Lyn Lake area.
Thanks to the move, instead of more 911 calls about drug dealers and large groups of teenagers fighting in the street, this summer was full of bike rides, walking to nearby bars and restaurants. A nice change of pace.
Saw my folks
I flew out to Denver to see my folks and celebrate my mom's 63rd birthday with them. What else can I say? A guy always misses his mom. And it was great getting the chance to hang out with the old man, too.
Full Stack recorded our first full-length CD, 'Venus'. We spent a lot of long days in the studio. And it paid off. I know I'm biased but the disc sounds f-ing brilliant.
New Orleans vacation
Mecca and I spent five lovely days eating, drinking and taking in some great live music in the Big Easy. We also met some very proud people who wore their love of their great city on their sleeves. They were glad to see visitors and we were glad to be there.
Beans the wonder dog got diagnosed with diabetes and went blind this year. A definite low light. However, this amazing animal is such a trooper. She gets around just fine - of course she bumps into things from time to time -- and she does the things she likes to do, bark, eat, bark, sleep, bark, go for walks and bark some more.
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