Later on this evening the band will be on stage at Station 4 in downtown St. Paul officially launching our new CD Venus. If all goes according to plan, we'll play for 30 or 40 people, sell maybe 10 CDs and put on the best show we can. Then at the end of the night, I'll be buzzed, sweaty and exhausted and will have to load my gear back in the car and head home.
"riding down the highway/going to a show..."
These are lyrics that have been burned into my head ever since I was 12 and picked up a guitar for the first time.
"stopping on the byways/playing rock and roll..."
Yes, Bon, it is a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll. And i guess, like every kid who started trying to master "Smoke on the Water," "Stairway to Heaven" and "Eruption," on the gee-tar, I really wanted to be a rock star.
But not so much for the reasons that I think a lot of young folks today want to be stars. I cringe every time I watch "Cribs" and see these wealthy young punks flaunting a garage full of expensive cars that they don't really drive and show off professionally decorated rooms in their McMansions that they never spend time in.
I've always just wanted to be a really good guitar player and make a living at it.
And it also wouldn't be a bad thing to get a little famous along the way. But not stopping-me-in-a-public-bathroom-for-an-autograph-famous.
Who knows? Maybe someone with some real connections will hear Venus and fall in love with it and hook us up. And by hooked up I mean someone who can help finance a small tour, pay for another CD and get us in front of large groups of people.
My dad always told me, that if you do what you love, the money will follow.
OK $$$, I'm waiting....
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