Day two in N.O. -- we strolled around French Quarter for the first time by light of day. And it is extremely gorgeous. The temperature was in the upper 70s to low 80s, without a cloud in sky - so the deep blue sky made for a wonderful backdrop. Crusty buildings adorned with wrought-iron gates, peeling paint and balconies often stuffed with large hanging plants - it was all what you'd expect to see in an old, old town.
Of all the attractions we experienced like Cafe Du Monde -- which was fabulous -- I can safely say the things we'll remember most are some of the city's colorful citizens. Like the big dude in Jackson Squaure, squatting on a bench belting out Foreigner songs, accompanied by the bands music blaring through a small boom box next to him. And he had a GREAT voice. Remember the Ripper Jones story? The kid who sang like Rob Halford from Judas Priest and then replaced him in the band? Well, if Lou Gramm ever wants to retire singing his old band's songs -- the big fat guy from Jackson Sq. could be the new 'Ripper.'
OK, so more characters. We stopped by a little cookbook store called Kitchen Witch. The proprietor was a bubbly southern woman, with a store full of cookbooks, vinyl records and animals -- including Bob the drooling cat.
The woman says Bob reminds her of a toothless, homeless guy that roams the quarter. And that's probably the best way to describe this cat. He's got one tooth that juts from his lower jaw, out of his mouth. At times his tongue hangs out and a constant, thin line of drool drips down his little chin.
Black with a little white spot on his chest, Bob also has no tail -- a manx -- thus the name Bob.
more later...
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